Friday, April 25, 2014


Do you ever feel stuck? 

I remember as a kid I shoved my finger in the slot of a piggy bank. Panic took over...I was so scared. I screamed and panicked...and I knew it would hurt to get it off, but It would hurt worse to leave it on. 


Life gets us stuck sometimes. Mentally we get stuck and feel like we are running in place making very little progress. 

Physically we get stuck...we hit a plateau in reaching our goals. The scale doesn't move...the pants don't button and we feel frustrated that what we are doing isn't working. 

Spiritually we get stuck. We don't feel God. We don't hear Him and we question what we are doing wrong...

Nutritionally we get stuck. We eat the same old same old and we are tired of it. 

Tired and stuck...

Ever feel that way?

Here is a clue if you are stuck...

If you want something different you have to do something different...

So what do you do?

1. Change your surroundings...if mentally you are stuck take some time to leave your house...your cubical...your hiding spot (no I don't hide from my kids ...)
And change your visual. Go outside...take a short walk...breath in the air...turn off the tape and refocus on what us around you that is good. Read Personal Development...feed the negative something helps, I promise. 

2. Change your routine...try a different form of exercise. Switch it up a bit...ever thought if running? Give it a try... Tired of that same DVD... Get a new one...treat yourself to a new exercise shirt... Get new shoes...get a workout buddy...try Zumba... You need to challenge yourself to do new things. And your body needs it too otherwise it gets too comfortable :)

3. Spiritually stuck? Journal. Take some quiet time. Write down how you feel stuck. Cry out to Him.  Put on some music that moves you to God. Read a story about someone who has been there...Mother Theresa for example...we get stuck because we are holding a lot builds up like ear wax and we can't hear Him...
So take a spiritual q-tip (pen) and clean it out (write it down). Or share with someone...

4. Try something new to eat....change your pallet. Look up some fun recipes. Follow blogs that inspire you. Pin things you can actually cook. Clean it up a bit. Get in a clean eating group ...(um just ask me...) and try one new thing each week...and celebrate it. 

One thing all these suggestions require...

Stepping Out of your Comfort Zone....

That us where healing happens...taking my finger out if that Piggy Bank did hurt...but it healed and I learned from it. To leave it there would have cut off circulation and hurt me more than removing it. 

Sometimes to step out of your comfort zone you need a hand...someone to help you...find that person. Don't do it alone. Do you need someone. Just Reach out...I am here :)

But don't stay's no fun...we have all been there...multiple times. (I have multiple t-shirts) but I keep stepping out...and enjoying the Freedom that comes!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Antidote to Fear

It paralyzes. 
It keeps us from change. 
It holds us back. 
It freezes us in a dark place. 
It hits us at the times when we are closest to progress. 

It's part of perfectionism. That lie that says we are not good enough. It hits us in our weakness. It attacks is in our strengths...

Why? Why? Why?

Because you are made for have great are loved beyond are NEVER forgotten. 

Do we fall? Yes! 

But so did Christ under the heaviest of weights. He listened to and heard all the lies that we hear whispered on a daily basis while he walked Calvary...

He fell, he struggled, he prayed the night before...he sweat blood in agony because he knew what lay ahead of him. So how does this relate to you?

He did this so YOU could find Freedom. He fights the ugly battle. He won the war. He battled the biggest lie that you can imagine. He faught it...and he won!

So what us the antidote to fear? Gratitude. Saying thank you. Thank you for his love for us. Thank you for the daily battle that forces us to lean on his love. Thank you for our weaknesses where he can truly shine his love and presence. Thankfulness for the victories that we have DAILY, but often miss.

Gratitude lets LOVE shine through. Today  that LOVE paid the ultimate price because YOU are worth it. So today...embrace the antidote to FEAR...have Gratitude and the LOVE himself will embrace you. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Let it go...

The very popular song from Disneys FROZEN...

It's funny to hear my children belt out about " the past is in the past" considering how brief of a past that they have. It's brilliant though how this song reaches to the core of so many. To let it be be yourself as you are. 

This song is stuck in my head...partially because my daughters are constantly singing it...partially because EVERYONES daughters are singing it...and also because it stirs in a part if me that wants to continue to let it go...
Let go of the negative tape that I still battle daily...
Let go of my mistakes that sometimes when I think about make my stomach turn...
Let go if the fear of the unknown in my future...
Let go of control...
Let go of perfectionism...

BUT to wall myself up in an ice castle is NOT the answer... So the truth to me behind the power of this song is that we all desire to let it go...but when we simply hold onto it...bury up walls around us to protect us we allow the very fears we have to imprison us...
This applies to every part of our life. As a mom. A wife. A friend. A fitness coach. A daughter of the King :)
It's something most of us carry around. Walking wounded. 

I love that in this movie the only way she truly experiences the freedom and is able to let things go is through the experience of true love...the gift if self...
Then she is free...because she is no longer defined by her struggle, her fear , her lie...she is just loved. 

Isn't that what we all not be rejected? To be loved? To be called out from our locked doors and ice palaces to a place of freedom? To find healing in the love of another. To find freedom. 

So as this song continues to run through my head I do release these fears. I let them go...hand them them and ask for the love that inoculates the lie...the support that carries me through. I pray the same for you! 

Yes leave it to me to process deep thoughts from Disney! But as I continue my journey in healing and I reach out to help others I am blown away at the Battles we wage in our minds and hearts...and how simple steps and support and love can take us from being a prisoner of the lie to FREEDOM as the GIFT!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Letting Go...

It's time to let go... To unplug & to trust.
The time is here to know that all is well.

It's time to let go... To breathe & receive 
The blessings being outed out upon us.

It's time to let not fear, to not 
To believe that good things are happening all around.

To live each day in gratitude, with eyes open wide.

To receive , to love, to thank to bless...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Set Sail...

Is this really happening? Am I actually going on a cruise? Pinch me if I'm sleeping (or don' I actually want to wake up?). 
In 4 days I depart for Florida...then I set sail on Monday on a cruise ship loaded with Beach Body coaches....seriously awesome!
A year ago I was just trying to figure out the day to day...I was just trying to focus on warming up, planting, and doing my daily routine...
Today I am doing the same daily routine...but with an extra pep in my step as well as tug at my heart...
The pep comes from the blessings that have come through the opportunity to serve others as their coach, to meet others that I never would have met...and to learn so much from them about more than just fitness...about life. 
The pep comes from the generosity of my Coach...taking me as her guest on this cruise...and from The Lord who continues to teach my heart more and more about trusting him, relying in him, and thanking him for his many blessings...
Of course I am thankful for this trip! But also for the friendships forming...for the ways he is changing and stretching my heart in the day to day...the appreciation for my husband and all he does to sacrifice and support my family. Thankfulness for my children, the beautiful blessing they are that make each day full....I would never want it any other way! The thankfulness in my friends who are excited and support me and dress me :) for this special occasion. 

There is also a tug at my heart. To let leave my family for a week. To let go of control. To let go and trust and believe and rely on my husband 100%. My friends and family 100%. To rely on this grace will stretch me to find greater reliance on The Lord, greater respect and love for my Husband , greater love and respect for my children and greater love and respect for my team...
By leaving The Lord is revealing to me how much he cares and how much he takes care of...
It's NOT all about's about the Freedom that comes from setting sail...

So here I go! I'm off the grid! Please pray for me! I will share when I return! Pray for the hubs and kids...especially the hubs! See you soon!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Don't Run to...

I am afraid of running....

One if the biggest fears and insecurities I faced happened 3 years ago when I started running...

I know, most people are afraid of water, or snakes, or the dark....because of the unknown, the danger, the lack of control...But running?

It's a fear rooted in insecurity. It's a fear rooted in the fear if failure...fear of pain....fear of the unknown.

My excuse in New Orleans was that it was too muggy...I'm too busy.

So why did I start? Because deep down I really wanted to run...I really wanted to face the fear. I saw others do it and was inspired...but could I do it?

I decided when we moved to Cincinnati that I needed to start. My hubs took me to the running store, got me some awesome shoes...I got home and took  mile!!!! I was so sore! Lol!

Then I started to build...little by little and conquer the fear.  Face the discomfort. And what did I love the most? How I felt when I finished. During that run I ran towards my goal. I ran towards my fear. I conquered that distance, and I talked out in my head all the things that hurt, all the lies I was believing, the pain and desire to quit... I pushed and pushed. 

From time to time I struggled. I didn't get out like I wanted because of the weather. Or I started to compare myself to others who were faster, in better shape, and could run farther. 

The hardest part was getting me out the door...I would get so nervous...I would be super snappy and cranky because that fear of failure would well up inside...

"It's going to be hard". " you can't do it". " you will never reach you goal" " why bother" " the kids need you" "your too slow". The list goes on...

To not push myself out the door is another type if's a mental run. It's training my mind to run away from the things I want to do. The things I need to do. The things I'm called to do. 

Thankfully I have a wonderful hubby that knows this about me. He know how to push me. To talk me out of my tantrum. That way when I decide to run... I am running towards the goal...not away from anything....

What are you afraid of? What are you running from? I challenge you to take a step out of your comfort zone and run towards the freedom that awaits you at your finish line. 

You are not are called to something meant for know what it is it in your heart...Run Towards it !!! Not away from it! 

Please know as I train in these upcoming weeks for my half marathon I will lift you up...your fears...your needs...just share them and considered them prayed for! Please pray for me as I train and face this day by day, run by run!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Into the desert

The desert does not seem like an inviting  place. It seems dry, lonely...deadly. Dangerous and scary. Why would we use that image for Lent. Why are we invited into the desert? 
Every year around Lent my soul struggles. It hits me off guard each year like a fresh scraped knee. You would think I would have an alarm go off to remind me that this time of year is hard...but I don't. 

Possibly because of the busy life I lead. 

So I find myself always in the weeks leading up to Lent struggling with a storm inside. It's my emotional memory revving up.
How can you tell? I am not as social. I stay home more. I get behind in my responsibilities. I have less patience. I question everything. I lose my temper more....
Most if this I hide well (until now) because I know the lie that I am alone is just that...a lie. 

So why this Lent am I running to the desert...because that is where it is quiet enough to hear The Lord. Only he can speak truth to my lies...only he can offer healing to my wound...only he can quench my thirst...only he. 
The world offers a bandaid. The Lord offers the remedy. 
All the aspects of our life can be aligned with this quest for healing. ( prayer, friendships, work, exercise, food, parenting, optional wounds) the things we do, if done with The Lord as the foundation can guide us closer to His heart. 

  But we have to take the time first to align them. To surrender. To deny ourselves a bit so that our thirst for God becomes so great that we will stop at nothing to drink that living water. 
He is here to meet you where you are at. He meets me in this similar sad place each year...this year though I am asking for a deeper healing so that once Lent is through I can have a greater experience if the joy of the resurrection. 
Don't give up! Don't fear the desert. You are not alone! Know I will pray for you this Lent. Please pray for me as well.